|  |  |  | The French Broad River Partnership is a collaboration of business, nonprofit, and government stakeholders all interested in the water quality and economic impact of the watershed in our region. The 5th Annual Meeting will be held the morning of Wednesday, November 8 from 8:30-11:30 at the A-B Tech main campus with an expected attendance of 100 to 150 people. The 2.5 hour program features three moderated panel discussions on The French Broad River Watershed :: The Intersection of the Environment + Economy. Our panels include: State + Local Elected Officials and Government, Industry Stakeholders, and Business + Tourism leaders. The moderated panel discussions are designed to be energetic, informative, collaborative, and representative of multiple perspectives followed by a brief audience Q&A. This event is free and open to the public, please join us for this important conversation. |
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|  |  | Leaf Peeping: Take in the Beauty of Autumn Last year, Great Smoky Mountain National Park saw over 1.6 million visitors in October alone as folks flooded the park to view our beautiful fall foliage. This year will likely be no different, with another great year for fall color forecasted by Dr. Howie Neufeld, professor of plant eco-physiology at Appalachian State University. The onset of fall color generally begins in late September, starting in the highest peaks and descending into the valleys and foothills as the weather continues to cool. This allows for “peak” viewing at various locations throughout fall. To see the best times and places for leaf viewing this year, check out this interactive map on Explore Asheville’s website. And as leaves change, they also begin to fall. For tips on managing our bounty of leaves, check out last year’s blog post: Leave Your Leaves. |
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|  | | Education Far and Wide: Partnerships Throughout the Watershed As autumn paints the world with vibrant colors, our education programs are in full swing, seizing the chance to take students outdoors before winter. This year, we've been fortunate to partner with schools across the French Broad River watershed. We made a splash at the 15th annual "Toes in the Toe" event and joined Buncombe County Field Days, engaging with Valley Springs and Erwin middle schools. Additionally, we reached schools in Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania counties. Exciting new partnerships with afterschool programs like IRL (In Real Life - Asheville City Schools Foundation) and United Way have broadened our horizons, allowing us to connect with even more young learners. So far, we've connected with over 1,000 students this school year, and we're eagerly looking forward to visiting more schools and inspiring the future stewards of our precious river. Stay tuned for upcoming school adventures! |
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|  |  | Amongst the Fallen Leaves: Hidden Life in the Stream As you walk alongside a stream, have you ever noticed bundles of leaves clinging against rocks or woody debris? Fallen leaves are ever present in the stream’s shallow areas, particularly during the autumn season. These leafy clusters or “leaf packs” provide both sustenance and shelter for macroinvertebrates -- the small aquatic organisms that serve as indicators of water quality and the overall health of a stream. For a deeper understanding of how leaf packs and macroinvertebrates contribute to the assessment of water quality and stream health, check out our blog post! |
| | | Where Emerging Ideas Flow Check out this newly released video from Garden & Gun of our Watershed Resources Manager Renee Fortner floats the French Broad with the hosts of the PBS show The Good Road. RiverLink is honored to be featured alongside other community advocates and innovators making a difference in Asheville. |
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|  |  | Welcome Our New AmeriCorps Members We are thrilled to have a new crew of AmeriCorps Project Conserve members join us to help advance our work for another year! Members serve 1,700 hours over the course of 11 months, doing all sorts of things to serve and engage with the community on behalf of the French Broad. This year we’re happy to welcome two new members, Leeah Sutton as our Education Coordinator and Elijah Charette as our Stewardship Coordinator. We’re also excited to have the fabulous Sandra Villaseñor returining to serve a second term as our Water Resources Coordinator. These three individuals are a crucial part of our work and we would not be able to do everything we do without them. Please check out our staff page to learn more about each of these wonderful people. |
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|  | Gratitude Overflow: Thank You, No Water No Beer Event Sponsors! Thank you to everyone who attended our No Water No Beer Event at Burial Beer's Forestry Camp! We had a great turnout to raise a glass for clean water. A huge thanks to our event sponsors and donors for the silent auction! |
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| | Other News -
Upcoming Workshop - Join RiverLink, Land of Sky Regional Council, and the Town of Weaverville for a hands-on workshop on invasive plant management techniques, set for Saturday October 21, 2023 from 10am-12pm! Please register using this link! - $50,500 Watershed Grant - RiverLink received $50,500 from the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina for When It Rains, It Pollutes -- a clean water campaign for the French Broad River watershed. The campaign will highlight the fact that polluted stormwater runoff is the greatest threat to water quality and biodiversity in the French Broad River. Watch for the launch of this new public awareness campaign, promoting a host of actions to reduce stormwater generation by keeping rainwater on site.
| | Thanks for being part of our French Broad River community! |
| RiverLink promotes the environmental and economic vitality of the French Broad River and its watershed. Please join us with a gift today! |
| | Contact Us information@riverlink.org | 828-252-8474 |
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